Olga Stornello

Rap music as an anchor: a German social project has now reached the suburbs of Catania

“Ra­p­flek­tion World­wi­de”, a musical and social initiative created by Andreas and Carlos, connects similar realities together with the association “Mu­si­cain­sie­me a Li­bri­no” Rap music as social tool besides music genre: this is the spirit with which was created “Ra­p­flek­tion World­wi­de”, a project of German origin that has now reached the city of Catania. «A...

New media for old discoveries: archaeology meets cinema

Can cinema and excavation coexist in a documentary? It seems so. In fact, we can think of involving more and more spectators and «leading them to otherwise inaccessible places», as Professor Frasca said, by taking advantage of the synergy and the propulsive drive of festivals and exhibitions. «Making a movie is a relatively new...