
Rap music as an anchor: a German social project has now reached the suburbs of Catania

“Ra­p­flek­tion World­wi­de”, a musical and social initiative created by Andreas and Carlos, connects similar realities together with the association “Mu­si­cain­sie­me a Li­bri­no” Rap music as social tool besides music genre: this is the spirit with which was created “Ra­p­flek­tion World­wi­de”, a project of German origin that has now reached the city of Catania. «A...

A new life for the land: Ligama’s revolutionary street art

Giving new chromatic life to forgotten ruins is the aim of the street artist. All in the name of a cultural revolution that must start from public art Images of ancient and ruined farmhouses scattered in the Sicilian countryside, revived and almost relocated by an artistic intervention, went already all around the world. The...