
Why choose Catania as Erasmus destination

73 young people coming from 18 European countries at the “Erasmus Welcome Day”: «We have a unique opportunity to better understand Mediterranean culture, and the presence of the sea is also a plus point». «I have already had the opportunity to make an exchange experience at a University situated in Northern Italy. However, your...

The challenge of accessible tourism in Sicily

For people with disabilities, the island lacks the necessary equipment. But thanks to new enterprises  things are changing Websites and apps make it easier for us to plan our holiday”. “For people with reduced mobility planning a trip is not easy. It is hard to find a hotel with a bathroom which is up...

Choose Malta for work: reality or Utopia?

From the big island to a small archipelago, the story of three Sicilian people who decided to try their luck in the heart of the Mediterranean sea (but not in Sicily) There’s an island in the middle of the Mediterranean sea, 316 square km and with 445.000 inhabitants. For many Sicilian people it is...

Choose the UK despite Brexit

In 2016 the number of Italians residing in the UK was 280.000, which goes up to 350.000 considering those who are still not officially resident. What attracts Italians to the UK despite its exit from the EU? The exit of the UK from the EU is having important political consequences. The number of Italians moving...